Personal posts, not really related to video games or pop culture.
The Pursuit of Happiness at 37,000 Ft.
What I learned from 2013. For as long as I can remember, I've dealt with imposter syndrome. The feeling that no matter how much Ive accomplished, Im still just a fraud trying to fool everyone. Just waiting to be found out. Even in high school, no matter the amount of A’s or accommodations I received, I never felt like I earned any of them. As if they should have gone to someone else who actually earned or deserve them, because my work was never good enough. On the other hand, as stressful as
An ode to MSN Messenger
Today marks the last day of MSN Messenger before it permanently shuts down and merges with Skype. In a way, it signals the end of an era of my life. It’s a service I used for almost half my life since I was 13. It had a profound effect on my life. It was the first real social network I was part of. Years ago, I mostly hid out on IRC or If someone wanted to find me online, they knew I could always be found there. I didn’t even have an AIM or Yahoo username for some time. Nothing abo
Good Enough.
Nearly a decade ago I launched ULost, my first startup, providing affordable web hosting to everyone. It wasn’t anything groundbreaking, but what it did, it did well. At it’s peak, I hosted nearly 900 paid monthly subscribers, and thousands of free accounts. But due to a series of unfortunate events and trusting the wrong people, I eventually was forced to make a tough decision: shut it down, or rebuild from the ground up. Working 14 hour days doing tech support, managing servers, and web dev