Astro Just Docs is the second iteration of a project I created, called Gatsby Just Docs, which itself was based on Just The Docs. I wanted to set up a documentation site for a project I had been working on. I wanted something modern, with a great design, that also supported MDX. Something that also had a styling framework to easily build new, beautiful looking components as needed. I loved the look of Just The Docs, but didnt like the limitations of Jekyll and regular markdown.

However, with the lack of updates to Gatsby, and the rise of popularity with Astro, I decided to rewrite the project in Astro. This allowed me to take advantage of the speed and flexibility of the framework, while also being able to use the same MDX-based functionality.


  • Write in MDX
  • Built-in Search powered by pagefind
  • Dark mode theme, with toggle functionality. Settings even persist through page refresh.
  • Fully customizable CSS framework, useful for easily building out new components, powered by TailwindCSS.
  • Easy deployment on Netlify, vercel, or with Docker.
  • Edit content on Github
  • Syntax Highlighting using shiki and Expressive Code.
  • Progressive Web App, Works offline.
  • SEO friendly- Set meta titles and meta descriptions for pages.

Astro Just Docs is available on Github.