I recently started a new solo web app project, and I quickly realized I wanted to keep all of the information, building the API, using the site, etc, in one place.

One of my favorite Documentation site frameworks has always been just the Docs, a Jekyll theme by Patrick Marsceill. As much as I loved Jekyll, I wanted something with a little modern feeling, and to avoid Ruby, if I could. Gatsby has a couple of great starter sites, but no great designs.

So, I decided to create something new. I want to introduce Gatsby Just Docs, a modern markdown-based authoring system. It is Gatsby/ReactJS based, with support for MDX. I’m using Hasura’s boilerplate for the initial MDX and code highlighting support, with Just The Docs layout and design.

While I aim to keep the overall design mostly consistent with Just The Docs, this remake for Gatsby will be a little more opinionated than just a one-to-one copy. I’m working on a few changes to better support MDX.

This is a work in progress, and for updates follow along on GitHub.

GitHub - underlost/gatsby-just-docs
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