I hate newsletters. But, I know some people like them. In an effort to be as accessible as possible, I’ve decided to publish at least some of my content through a newsletter first, with each issue being published to the website and RSS a short time later. Why? There’s a couple reasons.

First, it’s a learning experience in itself. So often I set up newsletters for clients and nothing comes of it. I’ll build out a custom Mailchimp newsletter template and create a great way to signup on their marketing site, only to never see any growth come out of it because they never send anything. So what better way to prove if they work, then to start doing one myself?

Second, and most important; I feel like I’m on a precipice of something new. Maybe it’s watching the world falling apart around me, or maybe its just a quarter life crisis, but I want to create something fun again. Maybe it’s creating a new startup. Maybe it’s finding an exciting project to join. I’m not really sure. But it’s time for a change of pace.

And that’s what I’ll be documenting here! It may run for a 100 issues, or three. I want to document my mistakes, my wins, and exploring what comes next. The content that comes out of this will probably be a bit more raw and unedited than what I'm used to writing. But that’s okay! This is all a bit experimental for me, and I’m excited and a little terrified how this will work.

Will it be free?

I’ve considered putting up a paywall of some kind for some content, and I’m still working on it. Anyone who subscribes now though, will continue to receive updates for free, for the foreseeable future. Content from newsletters will always be turned into actual posts found on my site after a short period of time as well.

How often are you going to spam me?

Good question. I aim to publish one of these every couple weeks, with the goal of publishing at least once a month.

How are you publishing the newsletter?

Everything will be hosted here through my website underlost.net, powered by Ghost. I may explore other options as they present themselves, but moving forward, underlost.net will always be the home to all of my content.