But if the loudest voices in the Call of Duty “community” act like an angry mob instead, guess how the entire world views Call of Duty?

While the majority of gamers don’t act this way, they are often times the ones most heard. It’s also why the gaming community can’t be taken as a whole so often. It’s that angry mob mentality that is the first to stand out to any non or even casual gamer. I was turned off of League of Legends for this very reason. While most may be nice people to play with, it only takes a couple assholes to harass you to make the game no longer fun, especially when you’re just learning to get into it.

Editorial: Stop threatening game developers
This morning a title update went through on Black Ops II on Xbox 360, and I expect this patch will propogate to other platforms soon as well. Here’s what I found on Twitter this morning: http://tw...