The people who make and sell the things.
Put together by Rami Ismail, is a collection of games by over 350 developers. Each day is a new, unique game, and only available that day. Its a great concept. I’d love to see the analytics by the end of the year, and just how many people will still be playing this.
25 years of Doom
The original Doom turns 25 this year, and to celebrate, its co-creater, John Remero made a new chapter to the original game, titled Sigil. Sigil, according to the website, is an unofficial 5th episode to the game: I wanted the levels to feel like they belong to the original game as if they were a true fifth episode. There’s more detail in the levels than episodes 1-4, but not overly so. I believe that people playing Sigil will recognize my design style, but see new things I’m doing becau
Facebook Fired Palmer Luckey Because He Supported Donald Trump
Good. Employers should be able to fire employees based on their political beliefs, no matter what they are. Political beliefs are a chosen ideology, unlike race or gender. If your beliefs do not align with a company you work for, go somewhere else.
Stop threatening game developers
But if the loudest voices in the Call of Duty “community” act like an angry mob instead, guess how the entire world views Call of Duty? While the majority of gamers don’t act this way, they are often times the ones most heard. It’s also why the gaming community can’t be taken as a whole so often. It’s that angry mob mentality that is the first to stand out to any non or even casual gamer. I was turned off of League of Legends for this very reason. While most may be nice people to play with,
"Naughty Dog has been NAUGHTY"
Basically, I’m fucking furious. Yea, Naughty Dog is large studio, but Im pretty sure something like this was an honest mistake. So, rather than taking the mature approach of contacting Naughty Dog, the author decides to take to Tumblr and complain to the Internets first. I wonder if the author got permission to use the various logos in some of the maps hes designed… Maybe it’s just me, but if a website I built randomly popped up in a video game, I’d be pretty damn flattered. Source: h
Reapwn's New Game is TitanFall
Back in 2010, two Infinity Ward (Modern Warfare series) senior members, Jason West and Vince Zampella were let go. Later that year the two announced their new studio, Respawn Entertainment. Details are finally trickling in regarding their new PC/Xbox first person shooter, Titanfall. New game from Modern Warfare creators is an Xbox/PC exclusiveRespawn Entertainment’s Titanfall won’t be on Sony, Nintendo systems.Ars TechnicaKyle Orland
Russian Hacker Ports Xbox 360 Game to PC
The developer’s response: I’m kind of livid myself, I just see him as the overly-entitled gamer saying ‘I deserve this because I want it!’ I was saying earlier on Twitter ‘Halo: Spartan Assault only on Windows 8 devices! That Russian guy should port it FOR GREAT JUSTICE!’ Like James though, he’s going to do what he’s going to do and it’s kind of impressive but trying to justify it morally really irks me. For great justice, indeed. Hacker Ports Xbox 360 Game to PC, Calls It ‘Justice’Some
Tim Schafer is Answering Questions on Reddit
One of the best responses so far: The truth is I always act as if I didn’t have to worry about profits, had all the money in the world, and no technical limits. Maybe that’s why my games are considered “niche,” why they go over budget, and why my programmers have to work so hard. So basically, I’d be doing exactly what I’m doing right now!