Bioware's Anthem was supposed to be their next big IP. Unfortunately it never gained the same traction as their other games like Dragon Age or Mass Effect. In an attempt to remedy this, Bioware kicked off an ambitious update to rebuild the game from the ground up, not unlike Square's relaunch of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
Today they announced the project, known as Anthem NEXT is officially canceled to make room for their other more sucessful titles. It doesn't come as much of a surprise. As much as I wanted to like the game, the passion wasn't there. The game wanted to be unique, but at the same time, it did nothing to stand out. The marketing was aggressive, yet it never told me what the game actually was.
While I never actually played the game, it always hits hard to read about canceled projects. Every developer has usually worked on at least one project that will never see the light of day, and its a unque kind of heartbreak to experience. Good luck to the former Anthem developers and hopefuly we'll see some of Anthem live on in future projects like Mass Effect.
Anthem, in it's current state, will continue to be playable for the time being.
Anthem Update
Friends, In the spirit of transparency and closure we wanted to share that we’ve made the difficult decision to stop our new development work on Anthem (aka Anthem NEXT). We will, however, continue…