We have enjoyed a successful eight-year run and would like to thank Activision for their partnership on Destiny. Looking ahead, we’re excited to announce plans for Activision to transfer publishing rights for Destiny to Bungie. With our remarkable Destiny community, we are ready to publish on our own, while Activision will increase their focus on owned IP projects.

It’s hard to believe it’s already been 8 years since Bungie joined Activision. We all like to take the easy jabs and poke fun of shitshow the series has gone through over the decade, but Destiny is one of the most underrated games franchises out right now, and I’m excited to see what Bungie can do with their newly acquired freedom. There’s so much untapped, half-baked lore just waiting to be explored.

And thanks to a recent $100 million investment, they have some room to take a “its ready when it’s ready approach for whatever they do next.